18 02 2025 / For those interested...


New cycling milestone!

All 566 (numeric) postal codes of the province of North Holland have now been crossed by bike. The last postal code was 1642 at Spierdijk; what's in a name... (spier = muscle)


The registration of the rides started in 2019 (via Strava, linked to Wielervrienden.nl). The final one was today during a ride from Enkhuizen via Hoorn to Alkmaar, at a temperature around freezing point, but with a lovely sun and a cooperative easterly wind.

The route determination and navigation of the postal code challenge was a bit more difficult than that for the Dutch municipalities (see link below), but a surprise for me was that Google Maps also indicates the route when a postal code is entered as a destination. I didn't know that.

To visit all Dutch (numeric) postal codes, there would still be a lot of touring to do: 4,067–1,936 = 2,131 postal codes are still open (There are 4,770 numbered postal codes, but 703 of them are not geographic, as for PO boxes). I will most likely pass on that challenge, but... never say never.


<< Cycle project Dutch municipalities
