CV Pleun Vos1955º Rotterdam
19671972 HBS-B (diploma)
19731978 Academy for Art and Design St. Joost, Breda, department Graphic Design (diploma cum laude) > >
19761977 Internships at Tel Design, The Hague and NOS Graphic Design, Hilversum >
19781980 Designer Tel Design, The Hague >
19801982 Cofounder/partner bureau Bijvoorbeeld, Amsterdam >
19821982 Designer, Amsterdam >
19821993 Partner/designer 2D3D, The Hague >
19932017 Independent designer, Antwerp and Amsterdam >
2017now.. Independent designer, Amsterdam >Clients (from 1993)
Technical University Delft
BNA Architektenbureau Roeleveld-Sikkes bv, The Hague
SURFnet bv, Utrecht
Stichting SURF, Utrecht
Association of cooperating Dutch Universities / VSNU, Utrecht
National Institute for Care and Welfare / NIZW, Utrecht
Foundation Dichter aan huis, The Hague
Zaman Translations, Antwerp
Lut Ausloos Publisher, Gent
De Praktijk, Monnickendam
De Longte Print, Dordrecht
ScriptEase Autocue, Soest
Zoeteman Direction/Camera, Soest
SOL-ID Light design, Gorinchem
Maarten van de Velde Photography, Amsterdam
Sarah Blee Architectural Photography, Antwerp/London
Carla Minnema, dental hygienist, Amsterdam
IJside dental hygienists, Amsterdam
Ingenieursbureau Gräve, Amsterdam
Etelä-Karjalan Taidemuseo (Art Exhibition K96), Lappeenranta (Finland)
Amsterdam Internet Exchange / AMS-IX, Utrecht
GigaSURF, Utrecht
National Center for Youth Literature / NCJ (Jeugdboekenweek Flanders), Antwerp / House of the Book, Antwerp
Association of Central Public Libraries Flanders / VCOB, Leuven
Municipal Libraries Antwerp
The Flemish Literature Fund, Antwerp
Ministry for Agriculture, Nature and Food - Department of the rural habitat
Tin Moon gallery, New Mexico USA
Art Gallery Galerie De Witte Voet, Amsterdam
The Arsenaal, Coevorden
Visual Artists: Anne Ausloos (B) / Gerco de Ruijter (NL) /Jeroen van Westen (NL) / Ton Haak (USA)
The Dutch Tax & Customs Museum Rotterdam
Driessen Management Coaching, Monnickendam
Gerco de Ruijter Photography, Rotterdam
Wilma Bosland, Visual Artist, Amsterdam
Nick Renshaw, Visual Artist, UK / Amsterdam / China
Anton Reijnders, Visual Artist, 's-Hertogenbosch
Civiltà del bere, Antwerpen
La Rose des Vents, Bamako (Mali)
Van der Meer Communication, Amsterdam
Anneke Heikoop, Visual Artist, Amsterdam
Eline Toebes, Cellist, Den Haag
Stadsdorp Gracht en Straatjes, Amsterdam
H. van de Fliert, City Beekeeper, Amsterdam
Teaching (part-time)
1985 Academy for Art and Design, department Graphic Design, s-Hertogenbosch
19871988 Council The Hague, department City development
1988 Academy for Arts Utrecht, department Graphic Design
19961997 Karel de Grote-Hogeschool Sint Lucas Antwerpen, department Audiovisual Arts, atelier Illustration, Antwerp
1999 Guest teacher Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg, Hasselt
19992015/2017 Teacher Typography Karel de Grote-Hogeschool Sint Lucas Antwerpen, option Graphic Design, Antwerp
(tutor, workshop leader, study traject coach 3rd year department Illustration, coach internships 3rd year department Illustration, manager 3rd year department Illustration, member steering committee Design department)
2008 Interim teacher Typography Artesis - Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, department Graphic Design, Antwerp
2009 Interim teacher Typography Academie GenkJury's
19982007 Final exams Karel de Grote-Hogeschool Sint Lucas Antwerpen, atelier Illustration, Antwerp
2001 Yvonne Gillé-Decoene award / Boekenpauw 2001 (book illustrations), Flanders
2002 Yvonne Gillé-Decoene award / Boekenpauw 2002 (book illustrations), Flanders
2003 Yvonne Gillé-Decoene award / Boekenpauw 2003 (book illustrations), Flanders (chairman)
2008 Academie GenkBoard positions
2016–now VVE Herengracht 310, Amsterdam (from 1996 the financial annual reports and estimates)
2021–2023 Stadsdorp Gracht en Straatjes, Amsterdam
Web links
Graduation project St. Joost in the local newspapers (article in Dutch)
Tilburgers: design red bikelane (article in Dutch)
City Council of Enschede: logo (article in Dutch)
Mireille Geijsen, founder i-did (article in Dutch)
Stadsdorp Gracht en Straatjes, Amsterdam: interview (article in Dutch)
Stadsdorp Gracht en Straatjes, Amsterdam: introduction house style (article in Dutch)